
This disclaimer applies to all information on this site, and to all services offered.No services offered by Rainbow Light etc… is intended, in any way to be a substitute or replacement for licensed medical care. In addition, the information and techniques on this site do not constitute medical advice.

While all suggested information and services and training are offered in good faith, Rainbow light etc… cannot accept responsibility for any illness arising out of the failure by the visitor, client or student to seek medical advice from a qualified doctor or medical practitioner, for them, their animal companions, or their family.

Reiki and Energy Healing are not meant to take the place of standard medical or psychological treatment, but to accompany and work along with it. The information contained on this site, and all of the services offered, Reiki or otherwise, are metaphysical in nature. 

In addition, all Intuitive Guidance included as part of any services, are to be used at the client’s sole discretion and risk and are not meant as “predicting the future” or “fortune telling,” or to take the place of standardized psychotherapy or psychiatry.. 


To my clients of Reiki and Energy Healing,


 Please know:


1. I am not a medical doctor

2. I do not diagnose or treat specific illness

3. I do not prescribe or adjust medication. 

Reiki or Energy Healing is not a substitute for medical care. If you are experiencing any specific medical or mental health problem it is your responsibility to seek out treatment or continue working with your health care professional for your present illness or condition. 

Rainbow of etc..,  is not liable or responsible if you choose to change your course of therapy or treatment as recommended  by your healthcare provider.